Michael Byington
PP Digital Banner (1)
PP Dates

Reserve your Vendor Booth today at our event in Camdenton, MO. Convenient and affordable spots await vendors!

This year's event will be fun. Peddlers Point is the weekend following Memorial Day weekend. We have afternoon live music, a new tented space on the deck for afternoon CRAFT or ART classes. Food, bar and energy drinks. Lots and lots of vendors and shopping. Join Us! (If you are interested in offering a CRAFT or ART class, please contact us at 573-836-8133.


Use button below to RESERVE a booth.

Pedders Point New Map 2025
Peddlers Menu
The Sax Man (3)


Booth Spot Days can be booked and are charged separately.  

Also, vendors can pick a spot in advance and pay a little extra or get assigned a spot the morning of the event.  [If you buy both Sat & Sun, vendor will remain in the same spot until they request a move.]

Regular 10×10 outside space for a tent and inside is a smaller 6′ table width space about 6′ deep (6x6ish)

$25 per day (Assigned spot Sat a.m. or Sun a.m. at administration desk.)

$30 Pick-Your-Spot

$5 extra per day for electric (and bring your own extension chords)

All fees must accompany your application.  We accept MasterCard, Visa, Discover and Amex. If you are using a credit card that is an additional 3% fee.

Booths containing food items will be inspected a county health official at set-up time and MUST BE APPROVED.  If not approved, you will be required to either comply with the official’s request or leave the vendor village area.

It is very important to fill in the description of what you will be selling on the application form.  We reserve the right to limit applications based on the type of merchandise or food items, and the number of applications received for a certain product.  We need that information so that we can space the booths to everyone’s best advantage.  Available spaces will be assigned on a first request basis.  All deadlines and rules will be enforced when we assign spaces.  We will not be able to entertain all requests. If there is a question or problem about your request, you will be contacted directly.

We do not provide tables or tents for rent or for borrow o y outside booths.  

We do provide tables for the inside area.

Booth space is 10×10 and require a tent.  If you need more the 10′ from side to side, you must go to the next booth size.  You need to have sufficient room inside your booth space to hold all of your products and supplies.  

No trailers are allowed.

 Sat 9am-4pm

Sun 9am-4pm

All booths must be setup and ready to operate by 9:30 am daily.  No booths are to be removed before 5 p.m. but may stay later if the crowd warrants staying later than 5 p.m. but no later than 6 p.m. any night.

Vendor Parking is on the street/up the hill of Old Route 5.  It is not far but definitely not close to your tent for a quick run to your car.  We are providing a golf cart driver to give you a ride to your car if needed.  We are requesting that unless you are disabled, please do not bring a golf cart with you.  In addition, if you are disabled, please contact us on where you are able to park your golf cart.

There is are very few areas for electricity.  If you have signed up for electricity addon you must bring your own extension chord.  Also, we do not provide water for tents and vendor booth sales or demonstrations. 

For humans there will be concessions.

Vendors will break down all cardboard boxes.  You are responsible for policing your area for trash.  Receptacles are provided in the area for this purpose.  All vendors are responsible for disposing of trash at the end of the day.  Failure to adhere to our guidelines will disqualify you from returning to next year’s event.

Yes.  Canned String, Silly String, Marshmallow Guns, and Canned Farts.   We reserve the right to refuse additional items if necessary.  Contact us if you have questions prior to arrival.

Vendors and guests cannot bring or use golf carts or 4 wheelers anywhere on the facility unless needed for disability.

The only exception is for official use by personnel or for the disabled.

Vendors shall carry public liability insurance, including bodily injury, of not less than $500,000 per occurrence and not less than $500,000 in aggregate.  Vendor agrees to list Lake Breeze Resort LLC as an additional insured and agree to hold Lake Breeze Resort LLC harmless from any liability.  If a Vendor does not carry public liability insurance, The vendor shall execute a separate hold harmless agreement.

Vendor Booth Agreement

Waiver of Liability — Booth Rental

Nope.  No camping or sleeping over night at the facility/grounds.

Pets are allowed by guests and by vendors but we have the right to refuse rental to anyone who we deem has an unfit pet or vendor not picking up pet droppings.

Please bring your confirmation letter, copy of your insurance (see other FAQ for details) and/or your signed Waiver.

You will register at Admin area near bar.

Vendor Booth Agreement

Waiver of Liability — Booth Rental

We will open up for setup at sunrise at 6 a.m. on Saturday.  Vendors can leave their items over night with a minor close down.  We will have a person onsite overnight, cameras and alarms in place.  But, it is important to know that you are will leaving items at your own risk.  

For setup, guests can bring car down near tent area to unload and reload but will need to park along the street.  No vehicles allowed during open hours of 9-4.

We would like to have all cleaned up by 6 pm on Sunday night.

Google Map
Hosted By: Lake Breeze Event Center
7127 Old Route 5, Camdenton MO
(MO-5 (Camdenton) to Harvest Road Exit and follow signs)
[We are right off Mo-5 with visibility from the highway.]